Author: Selina Farias

Selina Farias

October 22, 2024
What she does at ACTS Missions:

Selina is one of three Chapter Managers who manage the 21 chapters throughout the United States and Mexico.

About Selina:

Her hometown is Mission, Texas, also known as the Rio Grande Valley. She moved to San Antonio in 2016 to work here at ACTS Missions. She had been looking for new work and was met with what seemed like an endless stream of 'No' or 'We've decided to go in a different direction.' She had heard about the job from an ACTS Sister at her parish and her exact thought when she sent her resume was "What's one more no." Within hours she was called for an interview, and a full 2 weeks later, she was looking for a place to live in San Antonio. God is good, All the time! She is the oldest of three in a family of five. She is single with no kids and thinks that is just where God wants her right now.

Home Parish:

She belongs to Blessed Sacrament in San Antonio, Texas.

First ACTS Retreat and Service:

Her first Women's Retreat was May 2010 at St. Paul's Catholic Church in Mission, TX. She was fairly young when she lived her ACTS Retreat. It ended up becoming a sort of catalyst into ministry, since she was still in college at the time. She was limited in what she could do for her parish. So, she was introduced to the Newman Catholic Student Center at the University of Texas Pan-American by an ACTS Sister, who she had just served on team with. After this introduction, she was thrown into the ministry by becoming an active member of the Center's life. She helped on several Awakening retreats for the campus, several young adult retreats at her home parish, and had the privilege of serving as a co-director on an Awakening retreat for the entire Diocese. It continually amazes her just how that one yes, changed her life forever. She has meet so many people that have sharpened her faith that she would not have met otherwise, and honestly could not envision her life without. She has since served on 4 teen ACTS Teams, 3 Women's ACTS Teams, and now feels very blessed in her role at ACTS Missions HQ.

Fun Facts:

When she was in Elementary school, for show and tell she would sing a song. Her favorite was Peace is flowing like a river, and Joy to the World. She was not, and is not a great singer, but her teacher was taken so off guard at every turn that she would walk her over to the neighboring class for an encore performance.

Favorite Scripture/Quote:

It varies. She honestly doesn’t know if she can pick a favorite anything aside from ice cream flavor (mint chocolate chip). The one that is special to her ACTS experience however is one from 2nd Timothy, "For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but rather a spirit of power, love and self-control." It was a favorite verse of hers in college and truly helped during a difficult time in her life and this happened to be the first scripture that was given to her during an activity (food for the soul) on that first retreat.

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